The Power
of DNA

DNA Technology®

Our proprietary, device-initiated connectivity solution provides you with daily critical data for new levels of operating efficiency, asset management, inventory control, and improved patient outcomes.

Improved operating efficiency

● 24/7 remote monitoring for device performance
● Reduce field calls with intuitive customer support resources
● Easily access data from any device via our secure, cloud-based platform

Streamlined asset management
& inventory control

● Manage hospital DME closet inventories with device Geofence features
● Reduce unnecessary and costly asset losses with GPS-enabled inventory and loss prevention technology

Enhanced patient outcomes

● Proactively promote enhanced therapy adherence
● Empower clinicians to reduce the potential for COPD readmissions through timely interventions and clinical support
All leading to
improved profitability potential

Optimized inventory management, reduced asset losses and fewer service calls combine with O2 Concepts® POCs’ proven extended asset life, low accessory costs and the ability to bill two codes with one device (E1390 and E1392) to create the opportunity for increased revenues, lower operating costs and improved profitability.

Ready to learn more about partnering with O2 Concepts®?